Confessions of a junk hoarder! :D

Author: Mattheus,MrCarLover1A133 // Category:
Well, I am as I wrote in my title, a junk hoarder. I have the concept in my mind that whatever that is not useful or insignificant right now and is ready to be discarded may come in handy in the future, and hence, should be kept. Things ranging from invalid credit cards to threads of string, and even torn gift wrappers can be found in my treasure chest, or rather, what I visualize it to be.

Hoarding junk is a bad habit and although I push myself to the best of the ability to stop it I still am unable to do so. A habit, is a very much a double-edged sword. It is your constant companion, and can be your greatest asset or heaviest burden. It will push you up to success or down to disappointment. It is makes great those who are great, and fails those who are failures. Although it is not a machine, it works with the precision of one and the intelligence of a person. It can be ran for profit, or ran for ruin. It is your servant. A bad habit when developed and not kicked, can prove to be very deadly. Once you walk down that road, turning back will be difficult. No bread crumbs are visible for you to follow. It will be a difficult path but at the end of the day, nothing is impossible.

Well, on second thought, maybe hoarding junk really isn't that bad. Invalid credit cards, anyone?

Author: Mattheus,MrCarLover1A133 // Category:
Well, to start with I must say that this whole blogging experience has been a fun and enjoyable one. I was previously a blogger but I soon lost the joy in blogging as I didn't have the time to maintain it and update it frequently. I tried a few times to 'revive' my blog but my efforts were to no avail.

The joy of blogging has now been revived as we have been put through this process for a couple or so months. Maintaining this blog has also made me willing to maintain my informal blog, which I have re-created and post entries in whenever I am permitted to use the computer.

There's really nothing I personally dislike about blogging. The pleasure of touching the keyboard hits me whenever I blog. Whenever I have a long day at school and am feeling tired, I turn to blogging as a form of relaxation, away from all the school work.

I am sorry but I do not have anything to comment on or any suggestions to improve the whole process. I very much like it the way it is but would be delighted if any constructive improvements can be made.

I feel that blogging is a great form of expressing your opinions and ideas of little things in life. In a way, it is also a diary, just that it is not a private one. In addition, visitors of your blog are able to comment on your opinions and omniscient point of views can be received. By reading our friends' views on different things, we will then be able understand our peers better and deepen ties. Hence, I feel that frequent blogging is a great habit and ought to be continued throughout the whole year.

Well, I think that reading frequently will ensure you write better and make your blog livelier and more vibrant and exciting to read.

Narrative And Graphics - My Connection

Author: Mattheus,MrCarLover1A133 // Category:
Basically, I feel graphics are easier to be presented to the audience. As the saying goes, a picture speaks a thousand words. For example, an angry face can be expressed by just a drawing. However, quite a number if words have to be used to explain the details on the face.

About the connection between the two, narratives and graphics, I apparently do not understand, or rather, am unable to realise it if it actually existed. Narratives are narratives; graphics are graphics. There is no or rather, little connection.