Narrative And Graphics - My Connection

Author: Mattheus,MrCarLover1A133 // Category:
Basically, I feel graphics are easier to be presented to the audience. As the saying goes, a picture speaks a thousand words. For example, an angry face can be expressed by just a drawing. However, quite a number if words have to be used to explain the details on the face.

About the connection between the two, narratives and graphics, I apparently do not understand, or rather, am unable to realise it if it actually existed. Narratives are narratives; graphics are graphics. There is no or rather, little connection.

1 Response to "Narrative And Graphics - My Connection"

Deckard Says :
March 7, 2009 at 8:11 PM

The idea I was trying to get across is that they both tell a story...perhaps somewhat differently, but they both have that central ability. Mr. S

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