Sports Meet
Author: Mattheus,MrCarLover1A133 // Category:
Today was Hwa Chong's annual sports meet with Nanyang Girls High School. The atmosphere for the spectators was relatively relaxed. Probably many of us took this as an opportunity to excuse ourselves from the daily hectic lifestyle. But I have to admit it was pretty fun, especially watching our classmates and several teachers race.
It was a pity one of our classmates starting blocks was faulty, resulting in a bad start and eventually an unsatisfactory position. Well it's okay, I'm sure he tried his best. But at least our class came in second in the four times hundred metre race. (: HOORAY!
All in all it was a great experience for my first inter-school sports meet in Hwa Chong. The weather was expectedly hot and at a point of time I thought I would suffer from a heatstroke or dehydration (ok, maybe that's a bit too exaggerated (: ). I emerged alive thankfully. It was also heartening to see a Milo truck drive up full of cold Milo, although I only took one cup. There were many people who annoyed me by either taking two to three cups for themselves at once, or drinking up the whole cup of Milo before refilling it again at the same time, causing a long queue. Such is the typical Singaporean.
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Hey, your first picture. You must have enjoyed sports day...except for the Milo hogs.
Yeah it was a great experience! :)