Debut Post
Author: Mattheus,MrCarLover1A133 // Category:
Before my debut post, I shall just introduce myself a bit. Here are 10 random facts about me.
1.) I am a Christian.
2.) I love listening to music, particularly pop, country and R&B songs.
3.) My favourite singers are Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus.
4.) I love to cycle.
5.) I hate horror movies and ghost stories.
6.) My best friend(s) are my parents. They know all my secrets.
7.) I am crazy about cars and handphones.
8.) Other than Chinese and English, I am learning German and Malay.
9.) My parents do not drive and hence, I feel that being able to own a car is a privilege.
10.) I love blogging. :D
Ok, so that's it about me. These are not really the most important parts of me but just the few that are at the top of my head right now. Like I said, random.:D
Let's talk about 2010 for my debut post. I can safely say that 2010 has been pretty smooth for me so far. That's probably because nothing much around me has changed, so there is no need for adjustment, unlike last year when the stress hit me really hard. I enjoy going to school. And I am happy with my life. However, the introduction of the Future School Programme has made things slightly more difficult for me. Why is that so?
1.) First and foremost, the learning pace has increased. Significantly.
2.) Lots of research and pre-class preparation has to be done. Especially for Maths and History.
3.) The number of temptations around me have increased. Namely, the game Mousehunt.
My resolutions?
1.) Always ask when in doubt.
2.) Don't find time to slack.
3.) To quit Mousehunt. (It's gonna be difficult but I'll try.)
Wish me all the best! All the best to everyone else too! Let's strive together for good results :D
1.) I am a Christian.
2.) I love listening to music, particularly pop, country and R&B songs.
3.) My favourite singers are Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus.
4.) I love to cycle.
5.) I hate horror movies and ghost stories.
6.) My best friend(s) are my parents. They know all my secrets.
7.) I am crazy about cars and handphones.
8.) Other than Chinese and English, I am learning German and Malay.
9.) My parents do not drive and hence, I feel that being able to own a car is a privilege.
10.) I love blogging. :D
Ok, so that's it about me. These are not really the most important parts of me but just the few that are at the top of my head right now. Like I said, random.:D
Let's talk about 2010 for my debut post. I can safely say that 2010 has been pretty smooth for me so far. That's probably because nothing much around me has changed, so there is no need for adjustment, unlike last year when the stress hit me really hard. I enjoy going to school. And I am happy with my life. However, the introduction of the Future School Programme has made things slightly more difficult for me. Why is that so?
1.) First and foremost, the learning pace has increased. Significantly.
2.) Lots of research and pre-class preparation has to be done. Especially for Maths and History.
3.) The number of temptations around me have increased. Namely, the game Mousehunt.
My resolutions?
1.) Always ask when in doubt.
2.) Don't find time to slack.
3.) To quit Mousehunt. (It's gonna be difficult but I'll try.)
Wish me all the best! All the best to everyone else too! Let's strive together for good results :D
Haha. Mousehunt. My solution was to not start it at all in Sec1. Good choice to quit it esp now we're in FS.
I like your random facts.
You're more than a tri-linguist :D! Like Seong Jin, who knows English, Chinese, Malay and Korean.
All the best in 2010. :P
Maousehunt is addictive.The horn pops up,you sound it and soon you realised you have just spent 20 minutes on Mousehunt and started getting frustrated.
Yeah,FS is going at a really rapid speed.Soon it would be faster though.Cool Hobbies.Really interesting especially the obvious fact that you are a huge fan og Miley-Cyrus.
3 Cheers for Debut post!=D
Thanks you too!
Haha I love the fact that I will be more than a tri-linguist! :D I think it would be cool to be able to speak more than 3 languages. However, I have not really gotten the hang of German and Malay so yep, I hope I am able to master them soon enough :D
Thanks for the comment anyway!
Haha yes Gary, Mousehunt IS really addictive! Haha yeah I guessed someone would point out how obvious it was that I was a Miley Cyrus fan :D
I hope we are all able to cope with FS! SO far I think our class is doing fine though.:D
I still remember you forcing Leoj to sing that Taylor Swift song. "I say Taylor, you say Swift!" Haha! (:
It actually depends on yourself. When playing games or entertainment, never devote yourself in it as a whole. Treat it as entertainment and leisure, nothing else. With that, you won't be addicted to anything. :]
Great job on your debut post, and good luck on your blogging!
Yes I do love Taylor Swift's songs alot! xD
Thanks for the advice anyway! Sure will come in handy (:
Hehe! Yihan I don't think I know enough of Mastura's secrets to be called "more than a trilinguist".
Haha Mattheus, I think everyone knows of your love of music. MSN, facebook, everywhere! I even listened to some songs frequently because YOU posted them. :)
Haiz, Mousehunt.. If you can't quit the best solution is to just bot. Do not physicall sound it at all. I'm now, well to the point where the game is ending so its a bit "sian" for me. Hope you feel so too xD
HI!! Well I see that many people have commented on Mousehunt, so I shall not :).
Anyways, I like the fact that your parents are your best friends, that they know all your secrets. Sometimes, its really hard to get parents to understand why children are doing something, therefore over time one tends to stop confiding in their parents.
Oh yeah, your love for cars is awesome:). BMW ftw!!;P