Reflections on E-Learning

Author: Mattheus,MrCarLover1A133 // Category:
i) Overall did you put in more hours per day with E-Learning or a regular school day with homework?

I should think that the workload was increased with E-learning as compared with regular school day homework. We are required to do some research on our own, watch videos, view comments, etc before doing the work, unlike school days, where we go through homework in class in a detailed manner before setting about to do them.

ii.)Were you able to complete the Language Arts assignments in about an hour each or did they take longer?

Most of the time the lessons took longer than an hour as I went through resources and instructions more than once to get a better idea on how to complete them. This would of greater help when blogging as I do not need to refer and read through the resources once again before I type the answers out.

iii.)Which assignment(s) did you like the best and which one(s) did you like the least? Explain why.

I liked assignments 3 and 4 the most as for assignment 3, we could create our own poems on school life and view our friends' ones and compare how life was like for us in primary school. As for assignment 4, I enjoyed reading through the materials provided.

I liked assignment 2 the least as I do not have a favourite poet, and had to spend quite some time choosing a poet and going through his life and background of writing poems. It was quite a tiresome process, I must say.

iv)My suggestions to make E-Learning better are...

Perhaps the assignments could be assigned to a specific date so I have a better picture on how fast one assignment is needed to be completed. I don't really have an idea on where I'm headed to if they are merely numbered.

v) A general reflection on how you feel the week went. Please share your honest opinion as ALL feedback is critical at this time.

Wow! Expected the pace of learning to be a lot slower but everything just fits in place nicely like any other school day and there's hardly time for relaxation like I thought. Week passed very fast I must say. Overall English was an enjoyable IT Home Learning experience for me.

1 Response to "Reflections on E-Learning"

Deckard Says :
July 5, 2009 at 1:31 PM

Thank you for the feedback. It's duly noted and will be taken into consideration with all future ELearning planning.

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