Have you ever had a dream in which you were dying? I have.
It was most definitely not a pleasant one. Up till now, I have no conscious idea of how my sub-conscious mind had pictured me to be in that state. I have no clue as to why I was going to die, but I do remember of the dream is me lying on a pavement with a wound in my chest, breathing heavily, holding on dearly to whatever was remaining of my life. Thoughts and questions flashed across my mind. Confusion. Despair. I was overwhelmed with sorrow, as the realization of the fact that I would not even be able to whisper a goodbye to my family and friends hit me. Goodbye to growing old enough to drive. Goodbye to venturing out of Asia for a holiday. Goodbye to life. And then it was VOOM(I don't think any form of onomatopoeia describes how it felt as well as this non-existent word does), and I was up and watching bleary-faced me in the mirror brushing my teeth.
Do we actually live like we're dying? That is to mean, if you were to die tomorrow, would you be happy with the way you lived your life? I don't know about anyone out there reading this post, but I definitely wouldn't.
A song by Kris Allen, called Live Like We're Dying, pretty much sums up my thoughts about this matter. Here are the lyrics.
Sometimes we fall down, can't get back up
We're hiding behind skin that's too tough
How come we don't say I love you enough
Till it's to late, it's not too late
Our hearts are hungry for a food that won't come
And we could make a feast from these crumbs
And we're all staring down the barrel of a gun
So if your life flashed before you,
What would you wish you would've done
Yeah, we gotta start
Looking at the hands of the time we've been given
If this is all we got and we gotta start thinking
If every second counts on a clock that's ticking
Gotta live like we're dying
We only got 86,400 seconds in a day to
Turn it all around or to throw it all away
We gotta tell them that we love them
While we got the chance to say
Gotta live like we're dying
And if your plane fell out of the skies
Who would you call with your last goodbye
Should be so careful who we live out our lives
So when we long for absolution,
There'll no one on the line, yeah
Yeah, we gotta start
Looking at the hands of the time we've been given
If this is all we got and we gotta start thinking
If every second counts on a clock that's ticking
Gotta live like we're dying
We only got 86,400 seconds in a day to
Turn it all around or to throw it all away
We gotta tell them that we love them
While we got the chance to say
Gotta live like we're dying
Like we're dying, oh, like we're dying..
We only got 86,400 seconds in a day to
Turn it all around or to throw it all away
We gotta tell them that we love them
While we got the chance to say
Gotta live like we're dying
You never know a good thing till it's gone
You never see a crash till it's head on
Why do we think we're right when we're dead wrong
You never know a good thing till it's gone
Yeah, we gotta start
Looking at the hands of the time we've been given
If this is all we got and we gotta start thinking
If every second counts on a clock that's ticking
Gotta live like we're dying
We only got 86,400 seconds in a day to
Turn it all around or to throw it all away
We gotta tell them that we love them
While we got the chance to say
Gotta live like we're dying
Like we're dying, oh, like we're dying..
We only got 86,400 seconds in a day to
Turn it all around or to throw it all away
We gotta tell them that we love them
While we got the chance to say
Gotta live like we're dying..
One important thing in living life without regrets, is living in the moment, as the song has expressed through it's lyrics. It's all about now. Not the past, not the future, but the present. We have to go about being sure of our actions, having a clear direction in life, and not just wandering around. Time wasted, will never come back. It's all about living in the present, in the "now" moment. The title of Taylor Swift's upcoming album, "Speak Now", is an apt point of view presented about how we should be living. See the "now" in that phrase? Don't be afraid to be speak out, don't be afraid to be who you are. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? Be brave and face life as you would if you only had one more day to live. No room for regrets.
As the famous quote goes: live life, laugh lots, love forever.
Speaking of which, have you told your parents you loved them?
Lyrics courtesy of: